Hyning news for Former Students

Dear Former Pupils,

 As I write, we are still in the middle of the most extraordinary weather, and many of our present and former pupils, staff and friends are experiencing floods, rain and wind damage. It seems very inadequate to express our sympathy from afar, but we do and we pray that this very difficult time will pass as quickly as possible.  We hear that this situation has given rise to many acts of generosity and support, and this is heartening.

 At Hyning we have had an eventful year, quite apart from the weather!

Most of you will already know that S M Anthony (Gillian Levi) was taken ill in May and died after less than a week’s illness. She lived the last week of her life very beautifully, fully aware of what was happening and totally at peace. It was a beautiful witness to her faith and trust in the Lord. We received hundreds of letters, e mails, Masses, and her funeral was a splendid occasion, despite our real sadness.  We would like to thank once again all who wrote to us at that time.

 In November, S M John (Laura Bray) went to God, very peacefully at the age of 92. Despite her last years of illness and dependence, many friends contacted us at this time too. Her family came in great numbers to her funeral; it was another prayerful occasion, for which the community was grateful. Both S M Anthony and S M John did great work for God and for our Order over many years.

 Because of these 2 departures, and remembering S Frances (Martyr), who died in January 2012, we will be celebrating a Mass of thanksgiving for these 3 sisters at the beginning of the next reunion. This will take place on

                                       Saturday 10th May 2014 at 2 pm.

At the end of August, we celebrated the first profession of Jane Utting, now S Hilda. It was a joyful day, with her family and many of Sister Hilda’s friends from different stages of her life all coming to be with her on that day.  In January, Irene Kartika Handoko started her postulancy with us. She comes from Indonesia, but had already spent 3 months with us during the summer discerning the Lord’s will for her.  We ask you to pray with us for both S Hilda and Irene.

In Vietnam, our foundation continues to develop. The sisters have now moved in to their newly built monastery and there are several Vietnamese in formation. S Anna Maria spent some time in Europe last year and was delighted to catch up with many old friends.

 In Burkina Faso, the church of the monastery was consecrated in October, and S Josephine Mary was delighted to join with several others sisters for the occasion, including S M Helen, our Prioress General.

 In Goma, there are also several sisters in formation. The school continues to do very well, despite the on-going violence and difficulties of all kinds. All the pupils who took the final state examination managed to pass and some obtained very high marks. This is a great tribute to and encouragement for the pupils and teachers, who have to work extremely hard in very trying circumstances.

We always keep you in our prayers, and we are delighted to have news of you or to welcome you here for a visit.

 With love from all of us here at Hyning

Posted on March 21, 2014 .