Two of the sisters in the Archives of the Order.

Monastery of Our Lady of La Plaine

The monastery is situated in the suburbs of Lille, France. There is a garden which gives us a beautiful space for silence, prayer and peace in the middle of a busy city. In 1948, a group of Bernardine sisters arrived at their newly acquired property in the country. Quite quickly, the chateau at La Cessoie became the new Generalate and Novitiate house. 

Two of the sisters in choir.  Recent images are included in the slideshow below.

Two of the sisters in choir.  Recent images are included in the slideshow below.

Following the tradition of the Bernardines the community set up schools, a secondary technical college and a primary school. The college closed several years ago but the primary school continues to thrive. Several of the sisters are involved in the school in a variety of ways. After the decision to close the college the community began to develop their vocation to hospitality and they also opened a boutique which is open several days to the public. The ministry of hospitality is growing and a range of groups and individuals visit the monastery.  Some of the images show the work of the Icon Studio at La Plaine.

The community is also home to the Mother General and some of the General Council of the Order. The General and her Assistant live in the Mother house and the General Council meet there for the governance of the Order. It is the main meeting house of the Order and most years in August, sisters gather from other houses to celebrate the feast of the Assumption on the 15th August, the feast of the Mother General.  

The Mother House from the back

The Mother House looking down the drive

The Mother House from the entrance

View towards the Atelier

Praying the Office 

Praying the Office